About your Representative

My name is Dean Schaff. I am currently the head girls' coach at Lander Valley High School. I have been coaching soccer for 8 years, two as an assistant and six as a head coach. I have also coached several Parks and Recreation teams and one club team. I am currently a NSCAA certified high school coach and a goal keeper coach. I also coach freshman football. In the past I have coached swimming and basketball. I have been the assistant for 4 different state championship teams. I also lead my club team to a U-14 championship in the silver division. I teach physical education and health at Starrett Junior High School in Lander. I also have a masters in Educational Leadership.
My goal as your representative is to continue to build a strong soccer community. With a strong community of coaches we can help produce great athletes. One of the keys to a strong community is communication, hence the reason for this blog. As your representative it is my job to work to improve the quality of our student athletes. The number one way to accomplish that is to improve the quality of coaching in every district. As your representative my goal also to improve soccer in the state of Wyoming, not just in my district.

I am excited for the challenge and believe we can make a difference state wide. I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you in the next few months. Thanks for the opportunity.

Coach Schaff

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